Birr Vintage Week and Arts Festival Open Submission Exhibition Opportunity

Jobs and opportunities

Curated by Amanda Jane Graham

Commuovere (ko’mːwɔvere)to affect, stir, or touch emotionally.


The Open Submission Exhibition for 2023 has a focus on diversity and inclusion.

 We invite artists to share their stories to create links between their personal experiences and the audience using the power of visual language to start conversations, establish new connections, understanding and inclusion,

For Commuovere, we welcome submissions from artists at all stages of their careers, particularly those who embrace cultural diversity, inclusion, and positive change through visual art practices.

Exhibition Friday August 4th – Friday August 9th 

We are very pleased to announce that one of the selected artists will be awarded a solo exhibition in 2024.


There are 2 ways to submit

Option 1: Online using this link  by Friday June 30th ( if you are unable to use the link, please submit to with Open Submission in the subject line. Include Title, size, medium, year. Label the image with YOUR name followed by artwork title)


Option 2: In person delivery at Oxmantown National School, Birr, R42 T271 on Saturday July 1st 


All work will be selected without bias to form of submission. In person deliveries will be photographed for the curator to make an unbiased selection.

Friday June 30th  Option 1: Deadline for online submission
Saturday July 1st   Option 2: In person hand in – please ensure work is CLEARLY labelled and ready to hang
Friday July 7th   Applicants notified
Sat 29th  Delivery of selected artworks 11-1pm, 2pm- 5pm
Friday 4th August 8pm Official Launch
Friday 11th Aug 6pm  Exhibition closes
Monday 14th Aug Collection of work.   


About the Curator

Amanda Jane Graham is an award-winning visual artist and sociologist. She narrates her story through a reflexive practice by delving into personal history and excavating memories, experiences, and emotions, some of which are challenging but rigorously scrutinised and almost always, humour emerges. Graham articulates the personal audit through references to humour in popular culture.


Please include, ‘BVW & AF Open Submission Exhibition’ and your name in the email subject line

Artists will be informed about selection by email, by Friday 7th   July.

Artists are responsible for the safety and insurance of the work during transport.

Artists are responsible for ensuring that submitted pieces are made of materials appropriate for transportation, exhibition for normal pre/post-show handling & storage.

  • The work will be insured by Birr Vintage Week & Arts Festival from the date of submission to the date of collection for non-selected work or the date of collection for selected work, unsold after the exhibition, as appropriate.
  • All work must be securely labelled with Title and artists name, contact details.
  • All work must be submitted ready to hang, with all necessary fixtures securely attached.
  • Selection will be based on the work submitted and no substitutions may be made later.
  • A 15% commission will be applied to all work sold during the Exhibition.
  • Number of works: Artists may submit from 1 to 2 (maximum) pieces of their choice.
  • Up to 2 but as few as none may be selected for the exhibition.
  • No work previously exhibited in Birr will be selected.
  • The selectors’ decision is final; they will have sole discretion on final display and no correspondence will be entered into.