Happy New Year! We are delighted to begin a new year supporting the collaborative and socially engaged arts in Ireland.
2024 was a busy year, and we look forward to sharing more news and opportunities with you in 2025; public events, one-on-one advisory sessions, residencies, awards, professional development workshops and more. We particularly look forward to opening up our newly redesigned Reading Room and Archive, a vital resource for the sector.
Each new year brings a chance to develop, learn and evolve as an organisation as we further our mission to lead the development of collaborative arts practice in Ireland.
We look forward to connecting with you this year!
Keelin Murray
Communications and Publishing Managerenn Loughran and Ann Davoren to convene a panel on the relation between islands, art and climate change, on the 21st September at 4:00pm. Following this panel discussion, join us for a reception to launch the publication. This panel discussion and book launch are part of Earth Rising 2024, IMMA’s flagship festival focused on the Earth crisis.