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Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Theatre Lover Offer: Buy tickets to both Silent and King and experience two nights of thought provoking theatre for the discounted price of €32 / €28 concession.
*One ticket is valid for both events

Silent is the touching and challenging story of homeless McGoldrig, who once had splendid things. But he has lost it all – including his mind. He now dives into the wonderful wounds of his past through the romantic world of Rudolph Valentino. Dare to laugh at despair and gasp at redemption in this brave, bleak, beautiful production for which Fishamble and Pat Kinevane won an Olivier Award in 2016. *Suitable for 14+

  • Type: Theatre
  • Time: 12 June 2024 - 20:00 - 22:00
  • Venue:An Táin Arts Centre