Taisce Lú Collection Projects: Picture This and Irish, Alive and Mostly Female
The Visual Art Collection of Louth County Council is a rich resource for the county. As the collection is accessible to the public only in a limited number of public buildings throughout the county, the Arts Service of Louth County Council has developed new ways of making Taisce Lú more real and relevant to the people of Louth.
In 2015, a pilot project with three post primary schools in Louth; Irish, Alive and Mostly Female, was highly successful and was extended to three more schools in 2016. View the Irish, Alive and Mostly Female blog here.
For 2017, a decision was taken to extend the reach of the outreach programme of Taisce Lú to primary schools. Three schools will be participating – the CBS Primary and St. Joseph’s National School, both in Dundalk, and St. Paul’s National School in Grangebellew, near Drogheda. The programme has been amended to suit younger children, and this new primary school initiative is now entitled Picture This. View the Picture This blog here.