Louth County Councils Climate Office are running a range of events for this years Climate Week, beginning Monday 14th October. From upcycling workshops to Climate Change webinars there is something for everyone. One particular highlight will be the final event which is a tour of the Drogheda Allotment on Saturday 19th October from 11am – 1p.m. Along with the allotment tour there will also be a demonstration of seed saving and garlic planting. Drogheda Allotment is one of the LUFS (Louth Urban Food Sanctuary) grower participants and Organic Gardner Roisín Cotter, also part of the LUFS Project team will deliver the talks on seed saving and garlic planting. This will be an informative session and highly recommended to attend in the wonderful surroundings of the Drogheda Allotment.
Entry is free, for more information contact climateaction@louthcoco.ie
Drogheda Allotment is in Newtownstalaban, Drogheda (beside Newtown Cross Cemetry)
For more information on LUFS (Louth Urban Food Sanctuary) see https://louthurbanfoodsanctuary.com/